JUST SAY'n: The DOD medical examiner has released the findings of the Mike Brown autopsy ordered by the Department of Justice. The report finds that Brown was shot eight times with the possibility of one of the wounds being an re-entry wound from another wound. Browns body "was inspected three separate times: Once by the St. Louis County Office
of the Medical Examiner; once, at the request of Brown's family, by
outside expert Dr. Michael Baden; and one more time by the Department of
Defense's Armed Forces Medical Examiner System, at the request of the
US Department of Justice." The DOD's report was released by the St. Louis
County Prosecuting Attorney's Office on December 8.
There is no indication what bearing the autopsy had on the grand jury decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the August 9 homicidal death of the 18 year old teen, nor does there appear any signal from the Justice Department that the ongoing investigation into Brown's death has reached a conclusion. On the night that the state grand jury refused to indict Mr. Wilson, the Justice Department released this statement; "The Justice Department’s investigation into the shooting of Michael Brown
remains ongoing. Even at this mature stage of the investigation, we
have avoided prejudging any of the evidence. And although federal civil
rights law imposes a high legal bar in these types of cases, we have
resisted forming premature conclusions.” As noted by Paul Cassell of the Washington Post, 'The question worth considering is when does drawing conclusions in a
“mature” investigation switch from being premature to overdue?' This is a reasonable question, particularly when you consider that there is rising sentiment from various factions within the Black community that this administration has the fixings of Black political empowerment, but it has failed to protect the innocent teens in the process of getting ahead. Indeed, there has been an onslaught of attacks that appear to be a "tradeoff" for having a Black President. The message being, "He's in the office, but we run the streets and you nor your kids are safe in your communities". This isn't meant to show any disrespect for either the President or Mr. Holder, just pointing out the increasing perceptions in the face of current realities...JUST SAY'n
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