Remember that? The Republicans are banking that the public has forgotten their crowing after November's congressional midterm elections.
Now the public is supposed to take them seriously when they bring up arguments like "The President isn't Patriotic", "his mother was white, so Republicans can't be prejudiced". One wildly toupee wearing fellow wants to know why the Jewish Community supports the President and a former candidate for the oval office says that he's ashamed of the administration's lack of holding Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable for his aggression in the Ukraine.
But isn't Putin the same guy that the Republicans were drooling over as being the most powerful man in the world back in September and using HIM as a piece to manipulate public opinion away from President Obama? Didn't it occur to them that such wooing would give Putin the impression of a weakened US that could not muster a unified front for the President to actually act against Russia. Obviously, it hasn't because they're playing the same game with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
To his credit, the President hasn't bothered to respond to these minor league rumblings; and truthfully, he's been doing a better job of being a Republican than the he's been "Talking softly and Carrying a big Stick"..JUST SAY'n!
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